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Results for search "Breast Reduction".

Health News Results - 5

06 Feb
Breast Reduction Can Spur Weight Gain in Young Women

Breast Reduction Can Spur Weight Gain in Young Women

Many women may opt for a breast reduction if they encounter issues such as recurrent neck, back and shoulder pain.  

However, a new study suggests a link between these procedures in teens and young adult women and later weight gain.

"These patients should be t...

21 Aug
Women With Larger Breasts May Be Less Likely to Exercise, Study Finds

Women With Larger Breasts May Be Less Likely to Exercise, Study Finds

Women who have larger breasts tend to exercise less or less intensely, according to a new study that suggests having breast reduction surgery could be a game changer.

Australian researchers looking at exercise participation for women in this category called for more acc...

03 Apr
Breast Reduction? Body Weight a Factor in Healing Time, Study Finds

Breast Reduction? Body Weight a Factor in Healing Time, Study Finds

Women who are heavier or older may take longer to heal after surgery to reduce the size of their breasts, new research indicates.

Body weight and age can affect complication risk after breast reduction, according to a report in the April 2023 edition of

03 Oct
Study Counters Myth That Contraceptive Pill Enlarges Breasts in Teen Girls

Study Counters Myth That Contraceptive Pill Enlarges Breasts in Teen Girls

Birth control pills that contain both estrogen and progestin do not contribute to growth of enlarged breasts in teens and young women, a new study finds, and may actually be associated with developing less severe breast enlargement.

Moreover, the combination pills don't ...

28 Dec
Exercise Soon After Breast Plastic Surgery Is Safe, Healthy

Exercise Soon After Breast Plastic Surgery Is Safe, Healthy

While some plastic surgeons recommend no exercise for weeks after breast augmentation, new research suggests the ban may not be necessary.